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Topic 6: Community, Culture, and Media


The reflection question for this topic is: how can I leverage online social networks/communities to help teens get involved in real world communities?


One of the most popular social networks in 2015 among adolescents is the mobile app, Instagram. This platform allows people to post pictures online in a sort of collection, or portfolio, that is attatched to one's user account (Salomon, 2013). These pictures are shared to anyone subscribed to that account and can be shared, liked, and commented by followers.


It is clear teens enjoy people viewing their personal photographs so I would design a lesson plan around that principle; I would set up a Instagram account for my class, which is easy, because its free. Then, I would tie in a lesson concept into a weekend project for my students whereby they take a picture and submit it into the class instagram page. For example, in a biology class where the current topic is environmental impact of global climate change, I would assign the homework as posting a picture that somehow encapsulates, summarizes, or makes a statement about the topic. Then, the student with most hits, or likes, or whatever criteria I use, will get a bonus prize as an incentive. 


This might allow some students to explore things like city clean up programs, environmental protection agencies, animal protection programs -- real world organizations -- thereby promoting community outreach to my students.


Instagram actually has a page titled "International Volunteer HQ" where real-world volunteers post pictures of their experiences. Something like this on a smaller, classroom sized scale could equally promote student volunteering through picture taking.



Additional Resources


1. First Monday article about examining local trends through Instagram:


2. YouTube video about teen sexting over Instagram and the potential dangers of Instagram:


3. Business Insider article featuring a 15 year old explaining why Snapchat and Instagram are over:


4. Huffington Post article about talking to teens about Instagram and perfection:




Salomon, D. (2013). Moving on from Facebook Using Instagram to connect with undergraduates and engage in teaching and learning. College & Research Libraries News, 74(8), 408-412.

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