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Part A) Where am I now? - TPACK diagram

The TPACK diagram illustrates the interplay between 3 factors: our Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), and Technical Knowledge (TK).


Between each domain, there are overlaps in knowledge and the area encompassing all 3 domains is called the TPACK.


The diagram below illustrates my personal TPACK level as of now. 

Part B) Learning and Technology Theories Reflection

1. In my grade 11 social studies class, I recall the teacher using a projector connected to a internet-abled computer. Although the subject was the Cold War and although there were a plethora of information to show students on the internet on the subject, I only remember watching a black-and-white school library DVD. Playing a DVD on a internet-able projector is, in my opinion, a tremendous waste of potential for such technology. I remember feeling bored watching an outdated film. I did not retain much on the video's subject: something about the Berlin Wall.


2. One memorable moment was in my grade 12 biology class when my teacher put up an online 3D rendering of the molecular mechanism of the Krebs Cycle on the class projector. Prior to this, we were forced to imagine the mechanism from crude chalkboard drawings but the video allowed for a deeper understanding of the concept. This is a prime example of augmentation; whereby the teacher utilized technology that acted as a substitute to the chalkboard with a functional improvement. 

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